We’re stepping into the last week of the month and many teams may feel like the holidays were many, many months ago! Other teams may feel that they are just hitting their stride. This week I wanted to share the 5 Rs for Virtual and Remote Teams in Ramping up In my work as a coach, author and trainer, I speak a lot about helping teams remember things, by making things memorable, and my hope is that the 5Rs will be something to stick. The 5 Rs for Virtual Teams to Consider are: · Relationships · Results · Resourcing · Requirements · Rationale Let’s look at each one in turn. Relationships – Relationships are critical for virtual and remote team success. While we might feel that we spend most of our time in isolation, the skills of collaboration and influence take on an even more important role in the virtual space, given that we have to work across distance and space. As I write in Effective Virtual Conversations, “out of sight does not mean out of mind”, building in time for intentional and specific team and peer relationship building events can be key. This might include spending time having a virtual coffee or spending time building in a project meeting. What relationships are key to foster right now? Results - Results set the foundation of any team success – in person and virtually. It’s important to plan for goal setting and review sessions with the team. Another critical part of working around results with a virtual and remote team is helping them understand the entire context in which their work has impact and relates to the goal. They may only see one part, and their part may be different. Helping them see the connections and how their work feeds into, and potentially impedes, others work is also a key part of results. When working around results you will want to consider the varying levels – organizational, regional, team, etc. and also ensure that check-ins and adjustments around these are regular. What is important to note about results? Resourcing – the third R is resourcing. Teams will want to consider the resourcing required for successful completion of their goals. Resourcing should also be allocated to relationship building or advocacy elements. Resourcing might include human resources, IT resources, financial resources, logistical resources, training resources etc. What resourcing is important to note for the team? Requirements – Requirements relates to scope. What will success look like? What is the end product needed? What are the requirements that are important to communicate with the team? Being clear on requirements is even more important in the virtual space to ensure consistency across the team. What is important to note around requirements? Rationale – Rationale takes us to the topic of WHY. This is at the heart of team culture – why we do things helps us with prioritization, decision making and being able to align our tasks with others. Rationale also helps ensure with consistency and knowing what is important. What is the rationale for the projects you are working on? As a team, what's important to explore right now? Enjoy your conversations, Jennifer Jennifer Britton, MES, PCC, CPT Author of several books including: PlanDoTrack (2019), Effective Virtual Conversations (2017), Effective Group Coaching (2010) Potentials Realized - Specializing in support to virtual and remote teams, leaders and entrepreneurs Award-winning Coaching Skills Training Join us for one of our 2019 Annual Coaching Groups - Teams365 Leadership Lab for Virtual Leaders and Team Members or Coaching Biz Growth Lab - for coaches and other virtual entrepreneurs (416)996-8326
Week 4 Focus – VALUES – What’s important to you? Focus Question: What are the values that anchor your business? Description Like a compass, values provide an important anchor for us. They influence our decisions, ways we work, and how we connect with others. What are the values which influence your work? Research/Story Working with Values as a Coach is a foundational part of what we do.There are many different ways to work with values as a coach including:
Activity Values Checklist Use the downloadable values checklist (found below) to highlight different values you hold. Once you have identified your top 5, give them a tagline or 3-4 adjectives each. For example: If one of my values is high touch, that also means – small group size, integrating 1-1 calls with group calls, and taking time to really connect. Connection to the Workbook and Planner Given that values are such a core part of our work, you are invited to review these several times throughout the workbook. As part of the Iceberg you are invited to identify your top 10 values for you and your business. Write these out on page 24 (CBB) or page 25 (PDT). You may want to read through this entire section from pages 23 – 29. There is also space on page 38 under “Be True to Who you Are” - The Micro-Vision on page 38 (CBB) or page 42 (PDT). You are invited to return to this in the Ecosystem in Section 4, noting your top 5 values as part of your anchoring system, grounding you (page 104 – CBB; page 108 – PDT). Note your top 5 values there as well. Download a one-pager to create you own annual analog resource. Enjoy! Jennifer PS - Share your vision and how you engage with these activities on social media. Use the hashtag #dscam2019 (It stands for Daily Steps + Consistent Action = Momentum) Jennifer Britton, MES, PCC, CPT
Author of several books including: PlanDoTrack (2019), Effective Virtual Conversations (2017), Effective Group Coaching (2010) Potentials Realized - Specializing in support to virtual and remote teams, leaders and entrepreneurs Award-winning Coaching Skills Training Join us for one of our 2019 Annual Coaching Groups - Teams365 Leadership Lab for Virtual Leaders and Team Members or Coaching Biz Growth Lab - for coaches and other virtual entrepreneurs (416)996-8326 Stay Connected As we get more into the routines of the year, spending time with your virtual and remote team to create shared expectations and ways of working can go a long way. It might take time to create at the start, but it’s these shared agreements which help teams, particularly virtual and remote teams, create alignment, and support the interdependent work which is a reality in the virtual space. This year as you get back to the work routine, you will want to explore some, or perhaps all, of these five areas with the entire team:
Once goals are clear, what will results look like. Is everyone clear on what a successful result or output looks like. A quick reminder that Week 1 of the 52 Weeks of Planning, Doing and Tracking – which I host here on Fridays – covered the topic of Vision. You may want to share that with your team 2. Consistency (in reporting, in outreach) – Another key issue which defines virtual and remote teams is consistency. Even if we are not customer-facing, it’s important that we are consistent in the way we do things. This includes –– communication, quality of work, outreach, response etc.Getting clear about our team norms around communication, customer service and many other areas are critical. One of the reasons why team identity and team culture is so important is is because in the virtual team context, s creating alignment is core. Also, helping make the implicit explicit, will help to avoid problems down the road. For example, think of the situation where two team members are literally 12 hours apart. One member of the team is in Toronto, one in Hong Kong. As the team member in Hong Kong logs off for the night, the one in Toronto is coming on stream. As a virtual team we want to make sure that we 3. Roles – What are the different roles on the team. Is everyone clear of the other teams they are a part of? Once again, given that many remote workers report to multiple teams, having a strong team culture is critical. I like to define team culture as “HOW WE DO THINGS HERE….”. That helps us clarify what we need to do 4. Relationships - Skills in virtual relationship building, negotiation and coaching are all critical for team success in 2019. What are you doing to help team members get to know each other, their skills, strengths and contributions? 5. Meetings - One area that team leaders may want to minimize or let go of completely is team meetings. If anything, virtual team meetings are more important than ever, AS LONG AS they are efficient. Helping the team through formal meetings, and informal peer mentoring, get to know each other and understand each other’s work, skills and contributions helps a team accelerate their results. And finally, helping the remote team surface difficult and tricky issues. This is especially important as each team member may be your “boots on the ground”. They may be seen as “THE ORGANIZATION”, bringing an important insight about how the work is viewed and what is needed. Making sure people have the ability to raise issues which may not be popular is important. This is often further complicated by complex power dynamics and cross-cultural issues. What else is important for you to note as a virtual and remote team? Enjoy the start to your week, Jennifer Jennifer Britton, MES, PCC, CPT
Potentials Realized - Specializing in support to virtual and remote teams, leaders and entrepreneurs Award-winning Coaching Skills Training Join us for one of our 2019 Annual Coaching Groups - Teams365 Leadership Lab for Virtual Leaders and Team Members or Coaching Biz Growth Lab - for coaches and other virtual entrepreneurs (416)996-8326 Week 3 Focus: What is your theme? Focus Question: What’s your theme for this year? Description Like the name of a book or TV show or movie, themes provide an overarching focus. A tag line for a year, or a program, helps to cut into the “essence of it”. Like a metaphor, a theme will often capture many layers of ideas in just a few words. As we wound down the year, I asked all the group members I worked with what their metaphor or theme was for the new year. Metaphors help us move to the bigger picture, 30,000-foot view, or what some coaching models call the Meta-View. In times of change and turbulence, leaning into our metaphors become extremely powerful. Spend some time thinking about what you want your theme or metaphor to be for the year. Research/Story There can be many ways of exploring and identifying themes. Many times, I like to go and select a card, or roll the “story cubes” and see what comes up.One of the three annual programs I run is called the Learning Lab and Design Studio, and focuses on support to professionals wanting to create their own learning programs (on-demand, coaching programs, webinars, retreats). Here are the nine icons which were rolled early last year, creating the following story around the LLDS 2018: The apple – As the first cube selected, I take the apple as a representation of Knowledge – very appropriate for us at the Learning Lab and Design Studio where the lens is about all things learning and creating engaging learning and growth experiences for the groups and teams we work with as coaches, trainers and facilitators. Magnifying glass – Every month in my annual programs (the Learning Lab and Design Studio (LLDS), the Coaching Biz Growth Lab (CGBL) and the Leadership Lab (Teams365 LL), a different theme gets put under the magnifying glass. As a facilitator myself, it encourages me to continue my pursuit of learning, keeping abreast of new trends in our field, and exploring topics I can bring in my own work to my clients. The Flower – As an avid gardener in the warmer months I was pleasantly surprised to see this come up. It got me to researching to see if different flower symbols have different meanings – and in fact they do – here’s a cool list. For this story, I’m taking the flower as a representation of the importance of building up your garden bed and taking time to appreciate the beauty they exist. I think that for many of us doing a lot of work with groups and teams we are moving so fast (like our clients are) that it’s quite rare to have a quick pause to take stock of what we have, and what we can do. The LLDS creates one of these important pauses. Footprints – The LLDS is also about taking action and leaving your mark. Once a quarter I host a 4-hour virtual retreat afternoon, geared to get you into action around your own work. This year I’ll also be hosting quarterly program hacks so you can do some real-time design work in a compressed time frame. Lightening Bolt – One of the two calls each month is a facilitation lab. In establishing this program in January 2016, I felt that it was really important to create a place where we as facilitators could try out different tools, and experience them as learners ourselves, before taking them into work with our clients. Book - There is an abundance of topics we cover throughout the year, and I’ve loved how there are now more than 24 sets of templates, articles, and almost 50 recordings for LLDS members to explore when they have time. Conversation – One of my favorite symbols (the conversation bubble which is also on the title of my newest book, Effective Virtual Conversations) was next in the storyline. The other element I love at the LLDS is the conversations that ensue. It is a small group conversation experience, and unlike larger group webinars where everything might be chat only, we engage every week in rich conversation. Fountain – The fountain to me represents the fact that there will always be a myriad of topics left to explore. Our work and professional field is not static. It’s ever changing and evolving. The LLDS provides a regular reminder to keep learning. Tree – For the last three or four years now I have been returning back to my roots as an environmental scientist in different ways, particularly as I speak and write about ecosystems. My work has always been very multi-disciplinary, and the tree symbolizes how at the LLDS many of our conversations span the different disciplines of coaching, training, learning, education, e-learning, facilitation, social change…. Source: http://groupcoaching.blogspot.com/2018/01/setting-new-year-intentions-at-learning.html If you work with a favorite card deck pull it out now and select a number of card randomly. If you have a set of Story Cubes, consider rollilng these to get your theme for the month (or year!). Share it with us using the hashtag #dscam2019 (Daily Steps + Consistent Action = Momentum) Connection to the Workbook and Planner Every month you are invited to start your month with a blank page entitled “Monthly Plan for ____”. See page 147 (CBB) or page 151 (PlanDoTrack) for the first one in the series. When I run the month-end planning sessions, note that I make sure to ask the question, “What’s your theme?”. Like I have just shared, monthly themes can continue to pull us forward, particularly through the ups and downs experienced over the course of a month. Include your monthly theme on your Monthly Plan page. You’ll also note these theme boxes scattered throughout at the bottom of other pages - Monthly To Dos, trackers and others. Themes take us back to the bigger picture of business and can “infuse” the activities we undertake. What theme have you set for your work this month? Download a one-pager to create your own annual analog resource. Enjoy! Jennifer Jennifer Britton, MES, PCC, CPT
Potentials Realized - Specializing in support to virtual and remote teams, leaders and entrepreneurs Award-winning Coaching Skills Training Join us for one of our 2019 Annual Coaching Groups - Teams365 Leadership Lab for Virtual Leaders and Team Members or Coaching Biz Growth Lab - for coaches and other virtual entrepreneurs (416)996-8326 Stay Connected Week 2 Focus – VISION Milestones Focus Question: As you move towards your vision, what are the milestones along the way? Description Chunking down our vision into more manageable pieces allows us to start laying out the roadmap in discrete pieces. This then allows us to move forward strategically. Once you have your vision, creating milestones along the way is an important part of the process. Research/Story “Rome was not built in a day.” My father’s voice continues to echo in my ear, years after first hearing. An entrepreneur himself, my dad ran an old-fashioned corner pharmacy for decades, taking over Britton’s Pharmacy from his father, my grandfather who founded it in the 1930s. Hearing this phrase mentioned regularly reminds me that things that time to create. It’s the consistent action that forges the road as we go. What are the steps you want to accomplish as you go? Activity Using the Vision RoadMap, look at the big pieces of your vision and identify the actual steps you will need to take (and want to take) to move yourself along. With the Vision Roadmap you will be able to break larger projects down into more discrete milestones. Questions to consider when looking at developing your vision roadmap As you look out across the year, what are the key elements or what Steven Covey would call “Big Rocks.” Place these on one sheet of paper. Now working with each one at a time, identify the key milestones or smaller pieces along the way. This will help to break it into chunks. You might want to consider these questions:
If you want to work at the micro-level, turn to page 38 – and review “Be True to Who You Are – The Micro-Vision.” As the page invites you to, take time to identify what’s really important to:
Connection to the Workbook and Planner Several areas of the Planner and Workbook touch on chunking things to milestones including:
Use the hashtag #52weekspdt (52weeks PlanDoTrack) Check out last week's Week 1 of the 52 Weeks of Planning, Doing and Tracking here. Jennifer Britton, MES, PCC, CPT
Author of several books including: PlanDoTrack (2019), Effective Virtual Conversations (2017), Effective Group Coaching (2010) Potentials Realized - Specializing in support to virtual and remote teams, leaders and entrepreneurs Award-winning Coaching Skills Training Join us for one of our 2019 Annual Coaching Groups - Teams365 Leadership Lab for Virtual Leaders and Team Members or Coaching Biz Growth Lab - for coaches and other virtual entrepreneurs (416)996-8326 Stay Connected This week, many of us are getting back to the office in earnest. Before we get too far into the year, and the routine of things, I thought it would be useful to get you thinking about certain areas we often overlook, and therefore start focusing on "by default". Consider this a quick start of the year checklist to make sure you have addressed these, or scheduled these in: 1. What are your top 3 priorities for 2019? Where are these visible? Does everyone you interface with know about these? 2. When are your 1-1s scheduled with your boss? Your team? 3. Peer time - when have you scheduled meetings and outreach with your peers? 4. Deep work time - What are the times you have earmarked for the heavier thinking tasks and activities? 5. Organizing- What are the things that need to be streamlined? Have you set up your files, logs and items for the new year? 6. Tolerations - What is the one thing that bothered you during 2018 that you want to fix? Maybe it was something in your office that didn't work, or something on your computer that wasn't' configured? 7. Learning - What do you have earmarked this year for learning? What formats will it take? Is it important to spread your learning across the year? 8. Habits - What are the habits that are doing to keep you at the top of your game? 9. Boundaries -What are the boundaries around work which will help support you? As a virtual and remote team member it's easy to have the lines blur. What's important to carve out as "your time" or "Family time". When are you available for others? When are you not? Have you communicated this? 10. Renewal and Peak Performance - The working life of a virtual and remote professional can be sedentary at times. What are you doing to renew, and keep yourself at peak performance? 11. Other - Each one of us has very different work. What are the other items which need to be added to the checklist. Enjoy the exploration! Jennifer Jennifer Britton - Potentials Realized Coaching, Training and Consulting Services Author of the PlanDoTrack and Coaching Business Builder Workbook and Planners Join us at the 2019 Teams365 Leadership Lab (meets 2nd and 4th Fridays of every month from 7 -8am Eastern) As virtual and remote professionals, we often work interpedently and autonomously, with colleagues miles away and/or many time zones away. Having the motivation to do great work can be critical for success. Also key to remote work, is generating the momentum it can take when we are often a “one stop shop”, given that we are often responsible for many different facets of our work. We may be the face to customers, as well as a designer and book-keeper, all in the same week. Creating an annual theme and/or intention can help us lean into what’s important in our work. It can also be something we return to again, and again, throughout the year. I thought it would be interesting to have you experience a little bit of what I do in the PlanDoTrack Virtual Retreat which is take people through a series of reflective prompts and exercises. I've created a short 2 minute video which you can view below. Carve out a few minutes to view this video, noting the photos which resonate most with you, and how you want them to connect with your focus this year. After you have watched the video, take a few minutes to note what photos or images connected most. What theme can that point to you to for 2019? Having a theme for the year can create a powerful framework for Virtual and Remote Professionals. Just like a vision, they help us through the ebbs and flows of work. A quick reminder of some other content you may be interested in: 1. A few days ago I started to share the weekly 2019 series - 52 Weeks of Planning, Doing and Tracking. It's a compendium, or supplement, of the PlanDoTrack Workbook and Planner. For those that have a copy of either the PlanDoTrack Workbook and Planner or the Coaching Business Builder, you may be interested in taking some weekly action around your planning, reflection and tracking. Each week I will be focusing on a different theme related to the book. They are geared to give you a chance to pause, reflect and apply. Posts will come out early Friday morning, giving you time during your week's wind-down to reflect and work through the related activities that day, over the weekend or early in the new week. The first one - Week 1 of the 52 Week Compendium - came our a few days ago on Friday January 4th. You can catch it here. 2. Do check out the 19 for 2019 Productivity Tips which have been posted over at the Teams365 blog. I’ll be sharing more as we continue to move though January. View the past Teams365 Productivity Tips here . Looking forward to continuing the conversation with you this year! Please pass on these links to others who are interested. Thank you! Warm wishes, Jennifer Jennifer Britton – Potentials Realized
Follow along with the #90DaysPlanDoTrack series over at Instagram @CoachingBizBuilder Now Available – PlanDoTrack Workbook and Planner – Pick up a copy today on Amazon Join us for a year-end virtual planning retreat! Is 2019 your year to move things forward through group learning and accountability? Join me for one of our annual groups - The Teams365 Leadership Lab (focusing on team leadership, virtual teams) The Learning Lab and Design Studio (focusing on program design) or the Coaching Biz Growth Lab (focusing on business development) Week 1 Focus – VISION Focus Question: What’s Your Vision? What’s possible for you and your business? Description It all begins with a vision. One year from now, what do you want your business to look like? Where do you want to take your business or work over the next 52 weeks? Activity Spend time this week creating or revisiting your vision for the year ahead. If you have a copy of the Coaching Business Builder Workbook or PlanDoTrack Workbook refer to the Vision Questions – Page 95 (CBB) and Page 99 (PDT). Use these questions to reconnect with your vision. Write it out, play with it. If you have a vision, capture it in a different way. In coaching we talk about structures. What is the structure that will make this visible to you on a regular basis Is there a model? A collage, a series of photographs? Related Blog Post: Creating Your Vision I’ve written quite a bit on creating your vision with different blog posts many which can be found via: https://www.potentialsrealized.com/apps/search?q=creating+your+vision New Resource - Working with Vision Team Tool If you have worked with vision before, here’s a new resource you might be interested in. Giving people the opportunity to work through tools and resources with a smaller frame can help with focus, conciseness and integration. Starting in late 2017 I created a one-page vision map for teams to work through. This can also work for business owners. Giving a time window of focused time prompts (for example 5 minutes) to work through each of these questions:
Connection to the Workbook and Planners Coaching Business Builder - Page 95 – Vision Questions PlanDoTrack - Page 99 – Vision Questions Download a one-pager to create you own annual analog resource. Enjoy! Jennifer PS - Share your vision and how you engage with these activities on social media. Use the hashtag #dscam2019 (It stands for Daily Steps + Consistent Action = Momentum) Jennifer Britton, MES, PCC, CPT
Potentials Realized - Specializing in support to virtual and remote teams, leaders and entrepreneurs Award-winning Coaching Skills Training Join us for one of our 2019 Annual Coaching Groups - Teams365 Leadership Lab for Virtual Leaders and Team Members or Coaching Biz Growth Lab - for coaches and other virtual entrepreneurs (416)996-8326 Stay Connected Hello! I am excited to announce a year-long series (52 weeks!) which I'll be hosting here at the PlanDoTrack Blog each Friday throughout 2019. It's geared for virtual professionals (leaders, entrepeneurs and team members) as well as coaches, along with any other readers who are enjoying the Coaching Business Builder and PlanDoTrack Workbooks and Planners. Welcome to the Annual Compendium to the Coaching Business Builder (CBB) and the PlanDoTrack (PDT) Workbook and Planners. When I launched the Coaching Business Builder Workbook and Planner in the summer of 2018, it was in response to the growing needs of coaches for a resource to focus in on their business development, AND also have a place for planning and tracking of their business results. Since that time I have launched the PlanDoTrack Workbook and Planner – Virtual and Remote Edition, adapting it for the virtual and remote world where I have spent the better part of the last three decades, either as a remote and virtual team leader, program manager or business owner. The Annual Compendium is a supplement to both these resources. Many professionals may opt to have an annual 52-week resource they can refer to and work through on a regular basis, rather than try to read the books cover to cover. This resource does that. Over the next 52 weeks (one year) each Friday, I will be sharing a different theme from the CBB and PDT Workbook and Planners. The blog post will include a Focus Question for the Week, a brief description, story or research component, an activity for you to undertake AND a quote. I’ve chosen to share this with you on Friday, knowing that for many coaches and other virtual professionals, Friday marks a brief pause in the week, and the start of the planning cycle for the next week. You will also be able to download a one or two pager each week. The Story Behind the Story Like most professionals and business owners, we find ourselves working around the margins of life, One.Step.At.A.Time. In today’s creative entrepreneurial space, client work has its own ebbs and flows throughout the year. After fifteen years of being in business, I have also seen how important it is to also be creating something on the side in response to the needs of those we serve. For many years I have run a series of group coaching initiatives, bringing together small groups or leaders or leaders for three, six- or twelve-month periods. These conversations are geared to support these professionals around their goals, by taking action on a regular basis, and gaining awareness around the belief systems and mindsets they embrace. The coaching conversation provides an important framework for accountability around the steps they want to commit to undertaking. In today’s compressed digital world, it may seem easier to DIY - “do it yourself”. That’s where this weekly guidebook comes in. Each week has a different focus for business development, and includes a Question, a short story and, and activity suggestion and a link to the Coaching Business Builder Workbook and Planner. The logo for the book is a multi-colored puzzle piece, with the tagline of “Putting the Pieces Together”. These pieces often emerge on an iterative basis, getting shaped as we PLAN, then DO by taking action, and finally TRACK – noticing what’s working and what’s not. With this in mind, each tip has its own icon for Plan.Do.Track. While you can engage in the materials one week at a time, you can also undertake these prompts more quickly by following them a more frequent basis like daily. Businesses rarely grow by themselves. Rather they are forged through experimentation, and conversation. I hope you will consider joining me for the Coaching Business Growth Lab and/or Plan.Do.Track series of programming. More information at www.CoachingBusinessBuilder.com and www.PlanDoTrack.com. For those looking for annual group support and accountability join me on Fridays bi-weekly at the: Coaching Biz Growth Lab – for Coaches and other virtual professionals wanting to grow their own service based business (https://www.CoachingBizGrowthLab.com) The Teams365 Leadership Lab – for virtual professionals wanting to hone their leadership skills. (http://teams365.teachable.com/) Power Up Your Business and Work Through this 52 Week Challenge! They will be shared with you each week at the PlanDoTrack Blog. Looking forward to our weekly journey together this year! Jennifer Jennifer Britton, MES, PCC, CPT Potentials Realized - Specializing in support to virtual and remote teams, leaders and entrepreneurs Award-winning Coaching Skills Training Join us for one of our 2019 Annual Coaching Groups - Teams365 Leadership Lab for Virtual Leaders and Team Members or Coaching Biz Growth Lab - for coaches and other virtual entrepreneurs (416)996-8326 Stay Connected Happy New Year! Thanks for joining me at the PlanDoTrack blog. This blog is geared for professionals of all kinds - leaders, entrepreneurs and team members. We focus on all things related to personal productivity, teamwork, leadership, impact and efficiency! Where do you really spend your time? What impact are you getting from your efforts? What’s your vision? These are some of the big picture questions I’ve been asking as part of the 19 for 2019 Productivity Tips. For the last month over at the Teams365 Blog, I’ve been including twice a week productivity tips over the last month, to gear us up for 2019. I thought it would be useful direct you to them, in case you have missed them. Be sure to check out the first six in the series: 1. Have a clear vision (December 4) 2. Where are you getting your results (December 5) 3. Consider your 80/20 (December 11) 4. Be ruthless with your time – it’s a non-renewable resource (December 12) 5. Know where your time goes (December 17) 6. Chunk it! (December 18) Best, Jennifer Jennifer Britton – Potentials Realized
Follow along with the #90DaysPlanDoTrack series over at Instagram @CoachingBizBuilder Now Available – PlanDoTrack Workbook and Planner – Pick up a copy today on Amazon Join us for a new year virtual planning retreat on Tuesday January 8th from 1-5 pm Eastern (on zoom) Is 2019 your year to move things forward through group learning and accountability? Join me for one of our annual groups - The Teams365 Leadership Lab (focusing on team leadership, virtual teams) The Learning Lab and Design Studio (focusing on program design) or the Coaching Biz Growth Lab (focusing on business development) |
AuthorJennifer Britton is the blogger behind the popular Teams365 blog, a daily,blog for team leaders and members since 2014. Her latest publication is the PlanDoTrack Workbook and Planner. Pick up a copy at Amazon. Pick Up a CopyUpcoming Programs
Join us for the 21 For 21 Virtual Co-working Sprints - $21 US. Want to access the recordings and bonus worksheets? Join us at the Booster Pack $79 US early bird rate. Sign up at 21for21 Virtual Co-working - STAND OUT VIRTUALLY! Stand Out Virtually - Incubator - Running an online, virtual or digital business and want to get the word out to organizations? Join us for the 8 week Stand Out Virtually Incubator. Next group starts April 2021. Build out your brand, offers and proposals. Virtual Facilitation Essentials (8.5 CCEs)- Expand your toolkit for better remote and virtual conversations. This is a virtual train-the-trainer - 5 weeks: Fall 2021 programming starts in October $495 US Learn more and register. Coaches! Register for the 60 Day Coaching Business Builder Accelerator. Join us for 60 Days support and ACTION for coaches wanting to grow their businesses. On-Demand Course. PlanDoTrack Facilitator Training Program (24 CCEs) - Starts again in October. Contact Jennifer to discuss. Month-End/Quarterly Planning Session: Thursday September 30th - 8 -9 am ET Archives
January 2021